Friday 25 November 2011


Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. One day the child asked God, “They tell me
you are going to send me to earth tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and
helpless?” God replied, “Among the many angels I have chosen one for you. She will be waiting for
you and will take care of you.”
Said child, “But tell me here in Heaven I don’t do anything else but sing and smile. That’s what I
need to be happy!” God replied, “Your angel will sing for you every day. And you will feel your
angel’s love and be happy.”
And, said the child, “How am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me, if I don’t
know the language that men talk?” “That’s easy”, God said, “Your angel will tell you the most
beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will
teach you how to speak.” The child looked up at God saying, “And what am I going to do when I
want to talk to you?” God smiled at the child saying, “Your angel will teach you how to pray.”
The child said, “I’ve heard on earth there are bad men. Who will protect me?” God replied, “Your
angel will defend you, even if it means risking life!” The child looked sad, saying, “But I will always
be sad because I will not see you anymore.” God replied, “Your angel will always talk to you about
me and will teach you the way to come back to
me, even though I will always be next to you.”
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven,
but voices from earth could already be heard.
The child in a hurry, asked softly, “Oh God, if
I am about to leave now please tell me my angel’s
name!” God replied, Your angel’s name is of no
importance… you will simply call her


A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it
everyday. He climbed to the treetop, ate the apples, and took a nap under the shadow. He loved the
tree and the tree loved to play with him. Time went by, the little boy had grown up and he no
longer played around the tree every day.
One day, the boy came back to the tree and he looked sad.
“Come and play with me”, the tree asked the boy.
“I am no longer a kid, I do not play around trees any more”
the boy replied.
“I want toys. I need money to buy them.”
“Sorry, but I do not have money, but you can pick all my apples
and sell them. So, you will have money.”
The boy was so excited. He grabbed all the apples on the tree and
left happily. The boy never came back after he picked the apples.
The tree was sad.
One day, the boy who now turned into a man returned and
the tree was excited.
“Come and play with me” the tree said.
“I do not have time to play. I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter.
Can you help me?”
“Sorry, but I do not have any house. But you can chop off my branches to build your house.” So the
man cut all the branches of the tree and left happily. The tree was glad to see him happy but the
man never came back since then. The tree was again lonely and sad.
One hot summer day, the man returned and the tree was delighted.
“Come and play with me!” the tree said.
“I am getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat?” said the man.
“Use my trunk to build your boat. You can sail far away and be happy.”
So the man cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and never showed up for a long time.
Finally, the man returned after many years. “Sorry, my boy. But I do not have anything for you
anymore. No more apples for you”, the tree said. “No problem, I do not have any teeth to bite” the
man replied.

100 Moral Stories 11
“No more trunk for you to climb on.” “I am too old for that now” the man said.
“I really cannot give you anything, the only thing left is my dying roots,” the tree said with tears.
“I do not need much now, just a place to rest. I am tired after all these years,” the man replied.
“Good! Old tree roots are the best place to lean on and rest, come sit down with me and rest.”
The man sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears.
This is a story of everyone. The tree is like our parents. When we were young, we loved to play with
our Mum and Dad. When we grow up, we leave them; only come to them when we need something
or when we are in trouble. No matter what, parents will always be there and give everything they
could just to make you happy.
You may think the boy is cruel to the tree, but that is how all of us treat our parents. We take them
for granted; we don’t appreciate all they do for us, until it’s too late. Wallahi, May Allah forgives us
of our shortcomings and may He guide us.


The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting him into the box.
“There are 5 things you need to know,” he told the pencil, “Before I send you out into the world.
Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best pencil you can be.”
One: “You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in
someone’s hand.”
Two: “You will experience a painful
sharpening from time to time, but
you’ll need it to become a better
Three: “You will be able to correct
any mistakes you might make.”
Four: “The most important part of
you will always be what's inside.”
And Five: “On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter what the
condition, you must continue to write.”
The pencil understood and promised to remember, and went into the box with purpose in its heart.
Now replacing the place of the pencil with you. Always remember them and never forget, and you
will become the best person you can be.
One: “You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in God’s
hand. And allow other human beings to access you for the many gifts you possess.”
Two: “You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, by going through various
problems in life, but you’ll need it to become a stronger person.”
Three: “You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.”
Four: “The most important part of you will always be what’s on the inside.”
And Five: “On every surface you walk through, you must leave your mark. No matter what the
situation, you must continue to do your duties.”
Allow this parable on the pencil to encourage you to know that you are a special person and only
you can fulfill the purpose to which you were born to accomplish.
Never allow yourself to get discouraged and think that
your life is insignificant and cannot make a change.